Call for Evidence

Call For Evidence: An Aspirational Vision For Inclusive Schools

June 7, 2024
| by
Jonny Uttley

The project is being led by Jonny Uttley, CEO of TEAL Trust, and a Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Young Lives. 

There is an ongoing vibrant debate about inclusive education, with different ideas and views on what inclusion really means and how we can develop a more inclusive education system. 

Our starting point is a belief that all young people should be treated with equal value, and all should receive a high quality education and appropriate support regardless of their background or need. 

However, for too many, this is not what they experience. A system of accountability has developed that is so perverse that some schools see some young people as more valuable to them and other young people as too difficult to deal with. 

A lack of imagination, fragmentation of the school eco system and inadequate funding have meant that even where schools do their absolute best some young people fall through the cracks. 

This project seeks to identify clearly and honestly the barriers that are preventing a more inclusive system. We will develop policies that remove those barriers so that schools can focus on delivering success and equity for all young people.

It is important also to define how we do not see inclusion. We do not accept that inclusion is somehow soft or divorced from high standards, either academically or in terms of behaviour. We believe that every single young person deserves the very best in terms of outcomes, destinations, quality of teaching, school experience and extra-curricular opportunities. Every child needs a school that is calm, where behaviour is good and which is full of committed, highly skilled teachers. 

We are asking those on the education frontline, service and system leaders, academics and educationalists, parents, and children to share their expertise and experiences to help us to form our policies.

Your contribution will help us to ensure that we are able to identify trends, new practice models and gather ideas for practice and policy solutions.

The following broad areas are by no means exhaustive, and we would welcome any additional areas you think we should be considering.

  1. What would a truly inclusive education system, in which all young people thrive, look like?
  2. What prevents us from having a truly inclusive education system now?
  3. How should a future government remove those barriers? 
  4. What specific policies could bring about the change we seek?

We are asking those who wish to make a submission to submit a word document to  with the subject title 'Call for Evidence – Inclusive Schools submission'. 

The deadline for submissions is 3rd June

Thank you for taking the time to complete this call for evidence.

Meet the Authors

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Call for Evidence

Call For Evidence: An Aspirational Vision For Inclusive Schools

June 7, 2024
| by
Jonny Uttley

The project is being led by Jonny Uttley, CEO of TEAL Trust, and a Visiting Fellow at the Centre for Young Lives. 

There is an ongoing vibrant debate about inclusive education, with different ideas and views on what inclusion really means and how we can develop a more inclusive education system. 

Our starting point is a belief that all young people should be treated with equal value, and all should receive a high quality education and appropriate support regardless of their background or need. 

However, for too many, this is not what they experience. A system of accountability has developed that is so perverse that some schools see some young people as more valuable to them and other young people as too difficult to deal with. 

A lack of imagination, fragmentation of the school eco system and inadequate funding have meant that even where schools do their absolute best some young people fall through the cracks. 

This project seeks to identify clearly and honestly the barriers that are preventing a more inclusive system. We will develop policies that remove those barriers so that schools can focus on delivering success and equity for all young people.

It is important also to define how we do not see inclusion. We do not accept that inclusion is somehow soft or divorced from high standards, either academically or in terms of behaviour. We believe that every single young person deserves the very best in terms of outcomes, destinations, quality of teaching, school experience and extra-curricular opportunities. Every child needs a school that is calm, where behaviour is good and which is full of committed, highly skilled teachers. 

We are asking those on the education frontline, service and system leaders, academics and educationalists, parents, and children to share their expertise and experiences to help us to form our policies.

Your contribution will help us to ensure that we are able to identify trends, new practice models and gather ideas for practice and policy solutions.

The following broad areas are by no means exhaustive, and we would welcome any additional areas you think we should be considering.

  1. What would a truly inclusive education system, in which all young people thrive, look like?
  2. What prevents us from having a truly inclusive education system now?
  3. How should a future government remove those barriers? 
  4. What specific policies could bring about the change we seek?

We are asking those who wish to make a submission to submit a word document to  with the subject title 'Call for Evidence – Inclusive Schools submission'. 

The deadline for submissions is 3rd June

Thank you for taking the time to complete this call for evidence.

Meet the Authors

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Meet the Author

Jonny Uttley
Visiting Fellow, Centre for Young Lives and CEO, The Education Alliance

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