Call For Evidence: Reimagining our ambitions for children's play
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Image credit: Playing Out CIC

An enquiry into why play is so critical to children’s wellbeing and how a national Play Strategy can be established.

The “Raising the Nation Play Commission”, led by social entrepreneur and author Paul Lindley in partnership with the Centre for Young Lives, aims to move play up the political agenda. It will lead a national conversation about how to encourage and support children to play more – examining issues like the growth of technology and its impact on play, the importance of outdoor space, and whether parents’ attitudes to play and children’s safety have changed how children play.

call for evidence

The Commission will look at:

Learning through play

How to boost learning through play, including the benefits of free and structured play, formal and informal play environments, and child, parent, and teacher-led play.

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Places to play

Exploring the availability of public spaces (squares, housing estates, parks, playgrounds, streets, youth centres, ‘Sure Start’ centres, nurseries, schools) and private (gardens, houses, businesses).

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The right to play

Consideration of national and local Council responsibilities, tenancy agreements, no ball games signs, UNCRC (as adopted in Scotland), even potentially a possible test legal case.

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Time to play

Exploring the changing school day and year (breaks, after school, half term, and holidays) and changing environments outside school.

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Digital Play

How and where children can play in the digital and real realms.

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Parents and play

How parents’ own relationships to play and their views on safety impact on how their children play.

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